Monday, June 2, 2014

Crying Into His Empty Glass

Ed Sherman, a sports media writer, weighs in with some sad rat's tears after the Chicago Blackhawks were eliminated in Game 7 of the Western Conference finals. This journalist's research on the passion for hockey covers front page grabs of the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times. For Los Angeles, he posts the front page of the Los Angeles Times and the ... curveball ... Orange County Register.

So this Lounge owner offers this journalist the idea that perhaps it was the Los Angeles Register that he needed to dip into.

And then I felt that perhaps I was being too stingy with this journalist. So I offered a few more front pages. And if we were dealing with the 1980s, then maybe this theory would have held more weight, considering that newspapers used to be a good window on their community. But this being the Twen-Teens and the fact that I don't require a print edition of a newspaper unless I need to start up my fireplace, I feel there is more out there that a journalist with a desire to tell a real story might be able to cite or dig into.

And, OH THE HORRORS, he found things placed below the fold! Last century, Mr. Sherman. Time to find a new metric, or five. (Which I am sure you can find, and with which you just may prove your point correct. Just sayin.)

And to my point about a group of Chicagoans and the Los Angeles Times. I apologize if I offended anyone with whom I worked and who are still there, doing their best amid trying conditions. I should have said ravaged, pillaged or ransacked rather than ruined, which has a note of finality to it.

OK, I am fired up and ready for Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Finals on Wednesday.

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