Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Subbans Break the Lockout Gloom

The lockout is goomy enough without the late fall weather turning every afternoon into a gray march into darkness.

Breaking the gloom are the folks at "George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight," the nightly talk show on the CBC that is far more informative and worth your time than any Letterman/Leno production.

P.K. Subban, locked out of his job as a defenseman with the Montreal Canadiens, appears to have found some work at a Boston Pizza franchise in Canada.

(Note that my youngest daughter has to laugh every time she hears a mention of Boston Pizza. She went to college in Boston and always came back to New York on break complaining about the Boston weather, the Boston T system and the horrible Boston pizza. So to her, hearing a franchise promote what she considers the worst possible pairing -- Boston and pizza -- is a joke that keeps on giving. To be fair, I have eaten at the U.S. version of the chain, Boston's in Allentown, Pa., and I had no complaints about the restaurant.)

The Strombo people posted the Subban video above, perhaps as a way to help bring the NHL and the NHLPA closer together.

Here is an interview from the Strombo show, where we get to hear from P.K. Subban and his brothers.

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